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Giraffe 1X port of Gothenburg 2020 landscape

Saab in Ireland

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Saab serves the global market with world-leading products, services and solutions within military defence and civil security. Saab has operations and employees on all continents around the world. Through innovative, collaborative and pragmatic thinking, Saab develops, adopts and improves new technology to meet customers’ changing needs.


Sirius Compact | Podcast

电子战的使用越来越多,导致越来越多的近端冲突,敌人使用相同类型的武器进行战斗. 因此,信息和数据在战术战争中变得越来越重要. 在敌人不知情的情况下,在早期阶段获得这些数据是一门精美的艺术和技能,将在决定未来战争的结果中发挥关键作用. 天狼星契约提供个人和小单位与即时态势感知-在哪里,当你需要它.


Read more: Sirius Compact

Video - 16:10


Delivering overmatch capability for the modern battlefield. 我们的地面发射小直径炸弹(GLSDB)是一种远程精确弹药,满足武装部队不断发展的需求. GLSDB提供了最高的灵活性,并补充了现有的弹道武器, 以经过验证和成功的小直径炸弹增量(SDB I)和多管火箭发射系统火箭为基础. SDB是一种250磅级武器,配备先进的抗干扰GPS系统辅助惯性导航系统, combined with a multipurpose, 穿透式爆破破片弹头和可编程电子引信.


GLSDB delivers on the needs of today

在今天的现代战争中,装备精良的火炮的重要性已经发挥了作用. 敌方无人机正在将炮兵部署区域进一步推后,这意味着对射程更远的炮兵的需求增加了. 火炮的射程是高成本的驱动因素,在这个阶段,军队有很大的漏洞需要填补, cost effectiveness is key. GLSDB是目前射程与成本比最高的导弹系统. GLSDB具有150公里的射程,使军队能够以1米的精度打击高收益目标,深入敌方领土,成本低于所有其他系统.

Giraffe 1X

短程移动雷达,如星际网赌导航的经过实战验证的长颈鹿1X雷达,可以定位飞机, helicopters and drones, as well as artillery shells, mortar rounds and rockets simultaneously. 该系统的探测范围为75公里,探测范围为360度, and in the event of an identified object, 它自动将信息发送到连接的命令和控制系统. Multifunctional, 高性能3D雷达系统长颈鹿1X也使地面防空机动性高,由于其紧凑和重量低于150公斤的低. Mounted on vehicles, the sensor also has a "track on move" mode, enabling real-time monitoring of airspace even when in motion.

Giraffe 1X

长颈鹿1X是地面防空(GBAD)领域理想的空中监视组件,为地面防空指挥官提供交战质量目标数据, drone detection and Counter-Artillery, Rocket and Mortar (C-RAM) sense and warn within a single solution. 它是非常近距离雷达(VSHORAD)系统的理想主传感器,可以用作空隙填充物,补充较大的GBAD系统, or as a Counter-UAS (C-UAS) solution.


Read more: Giraffe 1X

Video - 2:35
Soldier loading Carl-Gustaf M4 with HE 448. Soldier with AT4 in the background

Carl-Gustaf® M4

The Carl-Gustaf M4 offers a wide range of ammunition, covering traditional high-explosive and anti-armour ammunition, but also anti-structural, smoke and illumination ammunition. Eleven types of full-calibre ammunition are available today, which offers a combat range up to 1300 meters. Additional capabilities are in the development plan, 也包括射程达2000米的制导弹药. The Carl-Gustaf ammunition is fired with a reusable firing tube. 卡尔-古斯塔夫M4提供了更高的精度和兼容性与未来的创新, such as advanced fire control units and intelligent ammunition.


RBS 70 NG设计的灵活性在同一任务中创造了广泛的用途. 该系统可在任何地点快速部署、及时操作, 从移动车辆平台,甚至远程通过使用模块化视觉系统的船舶集成应用程序. 战略资产的长期静态防御也可以通过单机实现, remotely controlled configuration.


Read more: RBS 70 NG

Video - 3:50

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